C++ Book List

C++ Books

Last update 10 Nov 2017. There are an ENORMOUS number of C++ books.  Many of them (sadly) have major errors, describing a language that is similar to, but fundamentally different from, the actual C++ language.  There are many lists like Stack Overflow’s book guides, both for books to read and books to avoid. There have been several …

More on the cost of schooling

Posts I'm recycling from other sites.

On a recent post in reddit, someone else was complaining about the cost of schools in the US. This is fairly similar to an earlier comment I wrote a few years back, but though I should post it here. The question was about if the US actually supports students, why do so many people get expensive …

What does it take to make a game?

Posts I'm recycling from other sites.

Over on Gamedev.net, somebody asked if it was possible to finish a game using only the time available in nights and weekends. The answer is a qualified “Yes”. If you are a student just learning the basics, your game may be something like “guess the number”. That is an actual game, but it is not …

Musings on pigeonholes.

A recent forum post over on gamedev.net just inspired me to write a bit. The question is about owning features, and personal growth on larger teams. I’ve worked at several businesses, but most have started out small. Some of them have grown quite a lot while I was there. I have been partially pigeonholed by …

Ocean Lost, a new YA novel

Sarah has finished her latest book, Ocean Lost. You can find the book on Amazon, and you can find more details of it on Sarah’s site. It is a Young Adult novel, the first part of a series of books dealing with several supernatural teenagers. It is a pretty good book. It isn’t her first …